Dive R1739 Highlights Axial Base HPIES and OBS
Axial Base PN3A: Initial operations were at the junction box LJ03A where the CTD tripod was installed on a short 10 m cable. ROPOS then installed the HPIES (Horizontal Electroometer Pressure Inverted Echo Sounder) instrument, moved the flange box and then connected this instrument to LJ03A. ROPOS transited to the location of the Deep Profiler Mooring and collected water samples with Niskin bottles mounted on the ROV. The final tasks included installation of the broadband seismometer, low frequence hydrophone and pressure sensor at MJ03A. A caisson was installed near this site that required blowing out sediment inside the caission so that the seismometer could be installed in it and covered in silica beads. Video credit: NSF-OOI/UW/CSSF; Dive R1739; V14