R1712 Highlights RS03W9 Cable Work

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R1712 Highlights:The R/V Thompson arrived on site at 0900 July 15 and commenced preparation for the first ROPOS Dive (R1712) at the summit of Axial Seamount (PN3B).

Dive R1712 began at 0330 (local time).  The main goals of this dive were to cut and recover the FACTs and wetmate connectors at each end of the ~ 5 km cable extending from Primary Node PN3B to the Central Caldera; cut and move pieces of the older cable away from the work site for later recovery; and install an empty junction box to be used as an anchor for a follow-on cable lay. The older cable (RS03W9) is the cable that had hockles in it as laid in 2013. At the end of the dive, a survey was conducted at the Central Caldera Site to prepare for installation of the MJ03F junction box and associated sensors. Video credit: NSF-OOI/UW/CSSF; Dive R1712; V14. (03:31)


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