Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler V14

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Installed

An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) provides a 3D water-current velocity for a small volume of the overlying water column by making very high-frequency acoustic (75- to 600-kHz) doppler shift measurements.

Anticipated installation of this instrument in 2014 will be at the Southern Hydrate Ridge Summit (MJ01B), at the Slope Base seafloor instrument array (LJ01A) and 200 m mooring platform (PC01A), at the  and Axial Base 200 mmooring platform (PC03A) and at the Endurance offshore (LJ01C) and nearshore shelf (LJ01D) benthic packages. One of these instruments was installed at the Axial Base site (shown above) during Leg 2 of the VISIONS'14 expedition.

Vertical beam ADCPs are also planned for deployment at Slope Base (PC01A) and Axial Base (PC03A)


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Overview