CTD and Niskin Bottle Carousel

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by Claire Knox

Matt and Brendan lowering a CTD into the water

Matt and Brendan lowering a CTD into the water

Julie samples the CTD

Julie Nelson collects water from the CTD water cast after it arrives back on deck. Photo by Judy Twedt

One of the most broadly used instruments in oceanography, the CTD measures conductivity (as a proxy for salinity), temperature, and depth (using a pressure sensor) as it is lowered from the ship to the seafloor.  The CTD is most often deployed within a carousel of Niskin Bottles, which can be triggered to close at selected depths for water collections.  Claire Knox teamed with UW oceanography grad student Owen Coyle to create a video documentary of the CTD/Niskin Bottle operations on board the R/V Thompson.
(VISIONS '13, Leg 2)