Charlie Parker
I am currently a junior at the University of Washington in the oceanography department. My passion in oceanography stems from my many hours at the beach growing up in San Diego. The ocean has always intrigued and it has been incredible to be able to immerse myself in studying it. The opportunities that have been offered have been amazing.I currently work in two labs on campus; I work under Steve Riser in the Argo Float Lab and under Fritz Stahr in the Seaglider Fabrication Center. Working at these two labs has sparked my interest in ocean technology and the OOI RSN project is at the forefront of ocean technology advancements. Thus I had to get on the VISIONS '13 cruise to get hands-on experience working with these innovative instruments. I cannot even begin to describe my excitement in being able to work along side all of the scientists who are at the top of their fields. I will take with me for the rest of my life the opportunities and experiences gathered during this adventure. I can’t wait to start.