Leg 1 Student Participants

Leg 1 VISIONS'14 Students
Leg 1 Students FIrst Day

VISIONS'14 students onboard the R/V Thompson their first night. From left to right: Don Setiawan, Gina Hansen, Jesse Turner, Kaite Bingham, Sam Albertson, Krista Nunnally, and Charles Garcia.

Students and educators for Leg 1 of the VISIONS’14 Expedition. Front: Chief Scientist John Delaney and Co-instructor for the UW Ocean 411 Class - Sea Going Research and Discovery. Left to right: Katie Bigham, Sam Albertson, Jesse Turnder, Gina Hansen, Don Setiawan, Charles Garcia, Krista Nunnally, Deb Kelley (Co-Chief Scientist and Co-instructor for Ocean 411), and Christina Ramirez. Back row left to right: Friedrich Knuth, John Wonderly (Clallam Bay School), Caitlin Russel, and Leslie Sautter (College of Charleston). Photo Credit. Mitch Elend, University of Washington.

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