ROV Dives in 3D

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by Fredrik Ryden

ROV 3D dive

Fredrik Ryden created a prototype 3D visualization of ROPOS dives for his student project.  This image shows 15 dives simultaneously on Axial Caldera's bathymetry.  The black lines are the RSN cable routes extending from Primary Node PN3B (on the lower right of the image).

3D Visualization of ROV Dives

This video demonstrates a 3D visualization of ROV operations on Axial Seamount's caldera during VISIONS '13. The software provides a framework for visualization of ROV dives and bathymetry, and can also include underwater infrastructure such as cables. The software can be used to visualize actual dives in real-time as well as recorded dives at a faster speed. This type of software could potentially be used by an external audience and ROV operators to get a better spatial understanding of the work environment, especially in the planning stage.
(VISIONS '13, Leg 3)