Resistivity Probe V14

Temp Probe in Escargot
Resistivity Temperature Probe Ready

A temperature-resistivity instrument (analogue for chlorinity) is ready for installation in the International Vent Field at Axial Seamount during Leg 1 of the VISIONS'14 expedition. Photo Credit: Don Setiawan, University of Washington, V14.

Known as the "Res Probe," this novel seafloor instrument is designed to go inside the "throats" of high temperature (up to 480°C) black smoker chimneys to measure the resistivity and temperature of the hydrothermal vent fluids. Resistivity is an analog for chlorinity, measuring the "saltiness" of the vent fluids. Many of the structures at Axial Volcano emit boiling fluids, as reflected by their high temperature and low chlorinity.

During the VISIONS'14 Cruise, a resistitivy-temperature instrument will be installed at the vent known as 'Escargo', named because the morphology of the chimney is reminiscent of a snail. In the image at the right, the white wrapping around the cable prevents overheating of the cable by surrounding hydrothermal fluids, should a change in ventng sites occur during the duration of the installation. A similar instrument has been installed at a vent (Grotto) in the Main Endeavour hydrothermal field for over a year, as part of the Ocean Networks Canada cable array.


Resistivity probe Overview