Testing the OOI Primary Node

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
OOI Primary Node frame on fantail of the Thompson
OOI Primary Node Frame

OOI Primary Node frame being lifted up from the fantail of the Thompson.

--Photo by Nancy Penrose, OOI Communications Coordinator at the University of Washington

OOI Primary Node initial testing

OOI Primary Node frame deployed into the waters of Portage Bay off the fantail of the R/V Thompson at the UW dock in Seattle.

--Photo by Nancy Penrose, OOI Communications Coordinator at the University of Washington

Deployment and recovery tests of an OOI primary node are among the major activities scheduled during Leg 1 of the VISIONS '11 cruise. The node frame and the internal "brains" of the node have been loaded onboard the Thompson at the UW dock in Seattle by contractor and manufacturer L3-Maripro. The "brains" are called the Backbone Interface Assembly (BIA) and the Science Interface Assembly (SIA) and are housed together as one unit.

As science and ship crew members were busy coming and going over the gangplank while loading supplies and gear, an area on the fantail was roped off for safety reasons. Here initial testing of tension on the wire was conducted while the ship was docked. The node frame was lifted up, lowered off the fantail, and then recovered, as shown in accompanying photos.

During Leg 1, the ROPOS ROV will be used to conduct the deployment tests of the frame, the test installation of the BIA and SIA, and recovery of both node components.