This thermistor array, designed by Giora Proskurwoski, a Project Scientist as part of the UW cabled observatory team, will allow 3-D measurements to be made in diffuse flow sites over time, with real-time transmission of the data to shore via the cable. Temperature, in part, governs where animals and microbes thrive, expire, and evolve at vent sites. Photo by Mary Levin, UW.
A custom thermistor array, developed by UW RSN Project Scientist, Giora Proskurowski, measures the 3-dimensional distribution of temperatures within a diffuse flow site.
In 2014, a cabled version of the thermistor array was installed at the ASHES site at Axial Base (MJ03B) in 2013. Unlike the battery-powered version deployed as a test in 2013 which collected data every 10 minutes, this cabled version will take measurements every 5 seconds that will be available almost instantaneously over the internet.