VISIONS'16 Technology

ROV Jason on the deck of the RV Sikuliaq

VISIONS '16 operations are focused on maintaining the Cabled Array of the National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). Work is scheduled at the cabled observatory's six main study sites: two (Axial Base and Axial Caldera) are associated with Axial Seamount, an active underwater volcano 300 miles west of Astoria, Oregon; one is at the base of the continental slope, 60 miles west of Newport, Oregon; one is on the continental shelf at Southern Hydrate Ridge, the site of methane hydrate deposits. Two other cabled sites on the continental shelf (Inshore and Offshore) are associated with the Endurance Array, the OOI coastal component led by Oregon State University.

Operations and instruments installations will utilize the University of Alaska's research vessel R/V Sikuliaq and the Woods Hole remotely operated vehicle Jason. Major tasks to be completed include deployment of paired deep and shallowprofilers on moorings at three sites; installation of extension cables and junction boxes; and installation of instruments.