Current Meter

Current Meter At Slope Base
Current Meter Installed at International District

A current meter is held in the manipulator of the ROV ROPOS for installation at the International District 2 Site. Photo credit: NSF-OOI/UW/CSSF; Dive 1723; V14.

A curent meter (tripod with red legs) measures local currents and temperature. When deployed in conjunction with a nearby broadband seismomteter, current meters can provide important data for processing of seismic information. Local currents can induce "noise" into the acoustic signal and current meter data allows filtering of this "noise." The RSN's VELD3 turbulent flow current meter measures how seawater mixes at the small scale. This behavior is important in understanding how heat, mass, and momentum are transported through the ocean.

Installations in 2013

Installations in 2014