ROPOS Installing Secondary Node
ROPOS and Taking Tool Basket to the Seafloor
ROPOS Taking ROCLS and Cable Drum to Seafloor
Mobilizing ROPOS at Pier 90 in Seattle
ROPOS Going in on Axial Seamount Dive R1712
ROPOS Launch for Dive 1713
Keith Shepherd ROPOS Operations Manager
ROPOS Taking Cable to the Base of Axial Volcano
ROPOS Operations Room During Cable Installation
ROPOS Taking MJ03C to the Seafloor
Toolbox Splashes
ROPOS on deck
ROPOS about to go for a night dive
Plugging in the Deep Profiler at Axial Base
ROPOS control room with pilots
ROPOS Installing Cable for Seismometer
ROPOS Takes a Digital Still Camera to the Seafloor
ROPOS Taking Winched Profiler to Mooring
ROPOS Deploy
ROPOS set to dive