High-Definition Video Camera V14

High Definition Camera at Mushroom

The high-definition video camera on the OOI RSN cabled system will obtain very high resolution views of black smoker fluids and coupled biological activity at the Mushroom hydrothermal sulfide chimney within the ASHES hydrothermal field on the western side of the caldera at Axial Volcano.

The camera will be associated with fluid samplers for follow-on chemical analyses of diffusely flowing fluids and with a novel temperature (thermistor) array that will provide 3D measurements of temperatures in diffusely flowing fluids. (Fluids in the vent have been measured at over 260°C and the surrounding seawater is ~2°C.) In concert, these instruments will allow characterization of how fluid chemistry and temperature impact biological communities of tube worms, palm worms, limpets, and microbes, and how these communities evolve over time in response to volcanic and seismic events.

This HD video camera was installed in 2013 and will be connected to the primary infrastructure during VISIONS '14.

High-definition video camera Overview