During the port call for Leg 4 in Newport, Oregon, the UW-APL-built Shallow Winched Profiler was loaded onto the R/V Thompson. The system has an underwater level wind that "spools" out yellow cable, which will provide power and communications to an attached instrument "pod" (orange bulbous-shaped package bottom left). The profiler will be located at a water depth of ~197 m on the already installed mooring at the EA Offshore Site. Several times a day the instrument pod will rise from the 197-m-deep platform to just beneath the ocean's surface making critical chemical and biological measurements. Photo Credit: Skip Denny, APL-UW; V14.
The state-of-the-art Shallow Profiler mooring features a two-legged system that terminates at a 200-m Platform. The 13 ft across platform hosts an instrumented winched Shallow Profiler that travels from 200 m to just below the ocean's surface and a second instrument pod that is stationary on the platform.
The 200-m Platform instruments include the following: pH, Broadband Hydrophone, Fluorometer, CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, 5-beam ADCP, Digital Still Camera, and a 150-kHz ADCP
The Shallow Profiler instruments include the following: CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate, pH, Optical Attenuation, Spectral Irradiance, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Fluorometer - 3 wavelengths, and a Current Meter.
The Shallow Profilers are scheduled for installation during VISIONS '14 and are each paired with the Deep Profiler and a Seafloor Instrument Array at three study sites: at the base of the Cascadia Margin (Slope Base), in shallower waters along the Oregon margin west of Newport (Endurance Offshore Site), and at the base of Axial Seamount.