The ENLIGHTEN '10 expedition ended on 23 August 2010. The archived website is still available HERE.
Summary of Cruise Activities
- Seagoing research program for 20 undergraduate and graduate students
- Live video streamed from seafloor and ship over the Internet
- Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Jason and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry onboard and conducted in-concert operations
- Seafloor surveys off Grays Harbor, Washington, for placement of OOI Endurance Array shallow-water uncabled moorings
- Seafloor surveys to characterize methane seeps at summit of southern Hydrate Ridge in preparation for OOI Regional infrastructure installation
- Seafloor surveys for OOI coastal cabled mooring west of Newport, Oregon
- High-resolution surveys at Axial Seamount in preparation for OOI RSN cabled infrastructure installation