Low Frequency Hydrophone

Low Frequency Hydrophone Goes to the Seafloor
Low Frequency Hydrophone

During the VISIONS'13 expedition, low frequency hydrophones, coupled with broadband seismometers, will be deployed at the base of the Cascadia Margin (Slope Base), and at the base of and summit of Axial Volcano.

Cascadia Subduction Zone

The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) just west of Washington and Oregon is of particular interest to experts assessing tsunami danger to the US and Canada. The CSZ stretches from Northern CA's Cape Mendocino to souther Bristish Columbia. 

Real-time detection of seismic events along the Cascadia subduction zone and Juan de Fuca Plate is a powerful capability provided by the OOI Regional Cabled Observatory. Part of this detection and monitoring capability is provided by an array of low-frequency hydrophones (2 Hz to 20 KHz) that are well suited to detect the hydroacoustic tertiary phase of T waves of oceanic earthquakes. These sensors also detect solid-earth P waves from regional and teleseismic earthquakes. Coupled with the Ocean Bottom Seismometers, the low-frequency hydrophones will increase our ability to detect offshore earthquakes in real-time, determine their magnitude, and enable better location accuracy.

During the April 24th, 2015 eruption of Axial Seamount the hydrophones "heard" what is believe to be explosions from the eruption.