Captain's Weather Report

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Diane Perry waits to recover the CTD
Beaufort Scale

A portion of the Beaufort Scale used to describe wind speed in the open ocean based on obervations.

Captain's Weather Report

As predicted, the wind has increased to 20-30 knots and seas to 14 feet have developed. This is enough to limit the types of science operations that we can conduct. We will continue to watch the weather closely. We suspect and hope that early Friday the winds will subside and conditions will improve. Then we will wait for the seas to follow the trend of the wind until the weather conditions are acceptable to resume all science operations. 

Science Update

Mariners use the Beaufort Scale to describe the sea conditions and for presenting forecasts. This scale was created in 1806 and empirically describes wind speeds based on the state of the sea. We are currently experiencing sea states of 5-6.

While we are waiting for the weather to improve, we will continue to conduct CTDs, work on processing data, and refine student projects.